Vitaliy Feschuk


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Unleashed - Beginner Program

This program is the perfect way to get started on your journey towards becoming stronger, bigger and healthier. Allow me to guide you on your way towards becoming a better version of yourself. In these 2 months you will notice that the growth you go through is extremely noticeable.


Why Unleashed?

Training methods are usually made for a universal audience, from the casual player to the true athlete, they both get offered the same workout. This program is specifically targeted towards the motivated and hungry athlete, in other words YOU!


Benefits of using Unleashed by Vitaliy Feschuk

This workout plan allows you to grow to the maximum of your capabilities without having to research ANYTHING. With over a decade of experience within the field of fitness, health and calisthenics I have learned to optimally use the time you have to grow and improve. I also make sure that you know exactly what you need to develop true strong muscles, no cheap tricks or cheats to become stronger, just pure methodical training.


Your program includes:

This program is a digital program. It includes 8 weeks of training to help you develop yourself in the best way possible.


- 0 Muscle ups

- 0 Handstand push ups

- 5-8 Pull ups

- 10 push ups

- 5+ dips